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About the Economist Intelligence Unit

About the EIU Worldwide Cost of Living survey
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Using the printable download templates - Indices

A template has been created to enable downloaded data to be displayed in a user-friendly format for presentation and printing purposes. Please view a walkthrough of how to use the index template.

Downloading and presenting indices
  • First ensure that indices have been calculated and customised satisfactorily by changing exchange rates or by adding or removing items and categories. Please make a note of any customisations that have been made.
  • Click on the 'Export into Excel' button at the bottom right of the index table on the WCOL website. When prompted, click on 'Save' and choose where you would like to save the file. Once the index data file has been downloaded to your computer, open it in Excel.
  • Save the index template (WCOLIndexTemplate.xls) by clicking on it and saving onto your local drive. Once saved please open the template, enabling macros if prompted, and click on the 'Import data' button.
  • Please note that you may need to change your security settings to use the download templates. In Excel 97 you can do this by going to the 'Tools' menu, selecting 'Options', clicking on the 'General' tab and un-ticking the 'Macro virus protection' option. In Excel 2000 and above you can do this by going to the 'Tools' menu, selecting 'Macro', clicking on 'Security...' and selecting Medium or Low on the 'Security level' tab.
  • When the data have been imported, copy the exchange rates from the WCOL website using the 'Copy to clipboard' button and paste them into the template starting at cell B28.
  • You will now have a printable index sheet for each country in your selection.
Contact the Economist Intelligence Unit if you have any queries on the templates.

Using the printable download templates - Price Lists

A template has been created to enable downloaded data to be displayed in a user-friendly format for presentation and printing purposes. Please view a walkthrough of how to use the price list template.

Downloading and presenting prices
  • Click on the 'Export into Excel' button at the bottom right of the price data table. When prompted, click on 'Save' and choose where you would like to save the file. Once the price data file has been downloaded to your computer, open it in Excel.
  • Save the price template (WCOLPricesTemplate.xls) by clicking on it and saving onto your local drive. Once saved please open the template, enabling macros if prompted, and click on the 'Import data' button.
  • Please note that you may need to change your security settings to use the download templates. In Excel 97 you can do this by going to the 'Tools' menu, selecting 'Options', clicking on the 'General' tab and un-ticking the 'Macro virus protection' option. In Excel 2000 and above you can do this by going to the 'Tools' menu, selecting 'Macro', clicking on 'Security...' and selecting Medium or Low on the 'Security level' tab.
  • When the data have been imported, copy the exchange rates from the WCOL website using the 'Copy to clipboard' button and paste them into the template starting at cell B6 on the 'EXCHANGE RATES' sheet. Please note that prices will be presented in the local currency and US dollars even if an alternative currency has been selected.
  • You will now have a printable price data sheet for each country in your selection.
Contact the Economist Intelligence Unit if you have any queries on the templates.

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