About the Economist Intelligence Unit |
About the EIU Worldwide Cost of Living survey |
Can I access background information on the cities in the survey?
Yes. Click on the Hardship & City Information button on the navigation bar to find information on the following:
* The local environment. This section provides basic background information on personal security in the destination city, climate, public holidays and briefings on the political and economic structure of the country concerned.
* Housing tables. In each city report, the reader can find up-to-date information on rental costs for furnished and unfurnished apartments and houses that are suitable for expatriates. The EIU researchers have chosen these price ranges after carefully investigating expatriate living customs in each location. It should be noted however, that cost of living prices generally indicate the top end of accommodation that is likely to be available at the time of the survey in the local housing market. In some cases, changing market conditions may create scarcities for certain types of housing at the price range we have indicated. Serious shortages at the time of the survey are, however, pointed out by a note of "n.a." (not available) following the corresponding type of accommodation. It is important to note, also, that indigenous executives in most locations who have been living in rented units for several years will probably be paying far less for their accommodation than the prices indicated in the cost of living tables.
* Disposable income tables. The disposable income tables show the percentages of gross salary remaining to an employee after the personal income tax and social security contributions relevant to his or her marital status have been removed. Disposable income tables are not available for every city in the survey.
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